Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Henry went to a playdate today with his friend, Evan, from the gym. Yes. The gym. Where he lifts weights and gets swoll.

Anyways, I was a little cranky about having to drive 15 miles for a play date. Ryan's been giving me lip lately about driving the car too much (our definition of "stay at home mom" is a little different as someone takes that a smidge literally). I was driving through the depths of Woodbridge/Hoodbridge when, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the lovely Port Potomac Community appeared. Manicured lawns. Wrap-around porches. Picket fences. Boats in every other garage. I knew the drive was worth it.

Henry shot out of the car so fast I'm surprised he kept his shoes on. There was bubbles, hand made sidewalk chalk paint, a Fisher Price lawnmower, freedom, and a great yard. Henry was mostly interested in the freedom and tried to run away every chance he got, but he had a great time until he tired of attempting to escape. He started to get a little melty (ie: pre-meltdown) when my friend, Brandi, suggested we go inside.

Wow. Now, I've always been content with my townhouse. I feel like we're in a great suburb of D.C. and it takes about 20 minutes to get anywhere (sans traffic) whether it be the mall or The Mall. I've always wondered why people would sacrifice location for a bigger house. Not anymore.

This beauty had four bedrooms, two living rooms, a dining room, HUGE KITCHEN breakfast nook, four and a half baths, upstairs laundry unit, and-- best of all-- a toy room.

I loved that Brandi and I could sit and talk and the boys could run around with reckless abandon. I thought of my house... our living room doubles as a toy room. Actually, every room of the house doubles as a toy room. How nice would it be to have one location dedicated as a toy room? How nice would it be to have a yard for Henry to try to escape from?

Let the plotting begin.

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