Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Single Mom Day 2

As I mentioned yesterday, in an attempt to keep Henry busy, especially while Ryan's away, I had a new playgroup to go to with Henry today. I am not sure what I expected, but I walked away feeling... well, neutral. Not psyched about the next playdate, but not dreading it either. Let's just say that while Henry had a blast, I didn't exactly hit it off with everyone. I suppose the chemistry of a playgroup is a precarious balance of personalities--and I'm not just talking about the kids.

You see, Hollywood has actually done a pretty good job of portraying the stereotypical moms. In my two years as a mother, I've encountered The Granola Mom, The Laid-back Mom, The Helicopter Mom--a close relative of The Germaphobe Mom-- The Glamamom, who is the antithesis of The Schlumpadinka Mom, and The Opinionated Mom. There are many more, I'm sure. I'll just remember when I spot one and I'll have to update my list. The only way movies have gotten it wrong is that they've exaggerated the intensity of the moms, when in reality, real moms are usually a mix of stereotypes. I, for example, am a gentle blend of Laid-back, Granola and Opinionated Mom.

At today's playdate I was more concerned about how I was going to get along with the other Moms and less about Henry getting along with the other toddlers. Thankfully, most of the moms were an unthreatening blend, just like me. Except one. This one particular mom was quite The Opinionated Mom (and a touch of Schlumpadinka if you ask me).

I'm all for opinions, even ones that differ from my own, but I know my audience. I don't preach and I certainly don't tell you that you're doing something wrong. I accept that what works for me, doesn't work for everyone. The danger of being an Opinionated Mom is that you need to check yourself when you get a bit judgy. That's why, "what works for me, doesn't work for everybody" is kind of my mantra. I'm only consider myself Opinionated because I research practically everything I do with Henry before making a decision. I have no idea what I'm doing, so I consult every book I can to make sure I don't screw Henry up for life. (Somewhere out there The Veteran Mom is laughing at me).

Anyways, I digress. So Opinionated Mom seemed harmless enough in her baggy T-Shirt, smudged glasses, and mom jeans. That is, until I mentioned Henry was going to preschool in September.

"Why is he going to preschool?"

How do you answer that? Why do kids go to preschool to begin with?

So I answered, "To develop his socialization, help him become more verbal, learn how to interact with others..."

I trailed off because her eyebrows started shooting up.

"Well, that's what this group is for" Blank stare from me.

Not knowing how to respond, I changed the subject to Henry's big boy room. Sigh. Mistake. Opinion there as well. My books are wrong. Henry should be able to have free reign of his room.  Change subject to potty training. Again, mistake. I'm starting too early despite the ample research I've done and Henry all but pulling his pants down and sitting on the potty to show me he's ready.

Despite my encounter with The Opinionated Mom, the other women seem really sweet albeit a bit mean for not warning me about her. Next playgroup, I swear, I'm going to avoid her like I avoid visible pantylines. Because there's one thing I'm not, and it's Put-up-with-Your-Shit Mom. I'd hate to be kicked out of playgroup so early.


  1. I am trying to think of what kind of mom I am...I think I am the Silently Opinionated, Anti-Research, Non Judgy, Wish I Was a Glamamom Mom.

