Friday, May 25, 2012

Unplugged Challenge

I've never been a good housekeeper. It's not that I don't like a clean house, it's just that I'm very compulsive. When I clean the house, I CLEAN THE HOUSE, but the mood has to strike me. Example: two weeks ago, I did three loads of laundry, swept and mopped the floors, wrote and sent 8 thank you cards, paid bills, changed sheets on all the beds, and unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. A bronze medal day in the life of a stay at home mom. Problem is, this mood doesn't strike me very often. I believe the next day I cleaned out my closet and guest room closet and discovered space bags, so, naturally, the house returned to its natural state. In one day. It's infuriating.

(It bothers me that there is no question mark at the end of this question even if it is rhetorical).

I've noticed, however, that my compulsion to clean/workout/be a responsible human being is affected in direct proportion by how much time I'm spending on the internet. Duh. I'd always thought that I had my habit under control. I only check my email while Henry is eating. I only pin while he's playing/watching TV. I only tweet when I'm on the toilet. (go ahead and judge, but you do it too). When Ryan came home, I was immediately pissed off at how he was checking his email while Henry was playing. C'mon! You've been home for like five minutes and you're already checking email? Play with your son! Then I realized I was guilty too. Ouch. 

If I'm being completely honest, I usually stretch these "free moments" to the point where Henry is annoyed or I look at the clock and panic because Ryan's going to be home any minute and I have nothing ready for dinner.


As a result, I've decided to put a lid on it. I'm going cold turkey this weekend. No tweeting. No checking facebook. No pinning anything. (gulp). I will only give myself an hour at night to blog about my adventure. From then on, I will give myself an hour to spend online in the morning while I'm drinking coffee and Henry is eating breakfast. I'll give myself an hour at night after Henry is in bed as well. Ok, maybe a little more time at night. We'll have to play that one by ear. 

The point of the challenge is to be a better mom and a better wife. I need to stop getting distracted by the internet and lock it up. 

Remember, I don't hate cleaning. I just enjoy other things (ie: Pinterest, blog reading) more. I am adult enough to say enough is enough. This weekend I'll be totally and completely present with my family even if it kills me. 

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