Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend Photo Roll

I LOVE Memorial Day Weekend. It really is the unofficial start to summer. When Ryan and I were first married, we always went somewhere cool. Cool meaning somewhere out of the DC Metro area. As we got older, we stayed closer and closer to home because the traffic is unbearable. I think it goes without saying that now that we have Henry, we stay put, but I couldn't be happier. We still go swimming, still get tans, and go to as many BBQs as possible. Just no traffic!

For those of you dying to know the answer to my little clues, here goes:

As soon as we put Henry in the pool on Saturday, he went ape shit. He LOVES water, so naturally he LOVES the pool. He loves the pool so much he wants to BE the pool and drinks as much water as he possibly can without attracting the ire of his parents.

We hadn't been at the pool for an hour when a mother took one of her twin baby girls in the pool and the precious lamb spit-up in the pool. It was not a surprise when Henry shat out a poop bomb the size of Hiroshima about three hours later. Before that, though, he climbed up on a chair to check out the girls in the polka-dot bikinis. That's my boy.

With great struggle comes great reward.

Tough life.

Gigi, Ryan, and H-Dawg.

We finally had to call it a day when Henry threw a catastrophic fit when I wouldn't let him go off the diving boards. No, seriously.

First time on a hammock. Incidentally, this is also about an hour before he shat himself.

Sunday we went to my sister-in-law's house in D.C. Henry insisted on throwing himself down this hill to roll down it. Instead, he ended up doing a face plant or five. And loved every second of it.

The fam.

Henry did not eat any dinner, but he did steal three brownies. I don't want to talk about it.

Paw Paw, Opa, and Nana relaxing Monday

My husband, Burt Reynolds--I mean-- Ryan. Love those shorts.

The best thing about this weekend? Ryan made breakfast for me every day. Omelets with bacon. Oh, yeah. I'm a lucky lady.

Check back tomorrow, and I'll let you know how I did with the unplugged challenge along with some tips as to how you can try my challenge too.

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