Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Today Is a Rough Day

  • I was up late last night finishing up grad school homework, so I didn't get to go to the book signing. It wasn't so much because of poor planning as it was that I misread the assigned readings and had to catch up. C's = F's in grad school and I can't fail this class or I'm out of grad school.
  • When I finally did get to bed, I had a terrible night of sleep. Palmer woke up four times and decided that 5:30 a.m. was the best time to start the day. 
  • I had to completely tear apart our room in an attempt to trap Gus, our cat, in order to make it to his vet appointment on time. 
  • I took a toddler, an infant, and a yowling cat to the vet. Alone.
  • I took a toddler and an infant to the grocery store. The energy it took to talk Henry down from having to have one of the Hot Wheels toys the had at the end of the aisle... and the left over Easter candy... and a random crab toy... I caved when it came to the Ranch Doritos. So my child has eaten a cake pop from Starbucks and a bag of Ranch Doritos today. Meanwhile...
  • I have eaten next to nothing because of my esophagitis, which I have from the massive amounts of caffeine I drink between 5:30 a.m. and noon. I get indigestion every time I eat. The only thing that doesn't hurt to eat are carbs. So good for you, I hear.
  • I am so tired.
  • I haven't been on a date with my husband since September. I don't think I've had a *real* conversation with him since Saturday.
  • I haven't seen or heard from some of my good friends in months. I feel terrible about it.
  • My house is a wreck despite spending all my spare time folding, doing dishes, picking up toys...
  • I can't believe I have to go to class tonight until 10 p.m. I was so tired last week that I drove home with the lights off. I live thirty minutes from campus.
  • My sister-in-law posted a family picture from Easter. She has a three week old and looks AMAZING! Then there's me. I look like Buzz's pale-ass girlfriend. I can't even write about it.
  • I am overwhelmed. 
  • I spent 20 minutes scouring the house for "Blue Car" because Henry wouldn't go to sleep without it. Do you know how many blue cars Henry has? 2345. Do you know where toddlers like to put cars? Everywhere. Including down the toilet. Thankfully, the blue car he wanted was only in his car seat.
  • I hate that no one told me how hard it was going to be to stay at home with two kids. I hate that even if they had told me, I wouldn't have understood.
  • I haven't showered today and I now have to finish typing because it's the only chance I'm going to have to get clean before class tonight. 


  1. Exhausting! You are doing a great job though and it's pretty incredible that you are able to go to grad school amongst the chaos. I have two about the same ages as yours and started staying home full time after the second was born. It is hard. I hope you get a date night very soon!

    1. Thanks, Cindy! I'm feeling a lot better today. It's amazing what a night of good-ish sleep can do!

  2. being a stay at home mom is so hard...I can't imagine with two how hard it is! Give yourself a pat on the back, you're doing the best you can. Sleep is seriously a cure-all for hope that you get some soon!! Maybe turn the monitor off...he'll survive (i didn't say that).
