Six months ago, right after our sons were born, my friend, Hollis, introduced me to her childhood friend's blog, momastery (pronounced like monastery). It was the perfect blend of humor, mothering, compassion, and Jesus. I loved her perspective and became a Monkee. I love everything about Glennon and I have adopted her as a distant mentor mom. (I learned about mentor moms from my other distant mentor mom, Rachel Campos-Duffy. I highly recommend her book for all you SAHMs out there).
Now I never watch TV in the morning because mornings are so crazy up in this piece, but this morning, Glennon was on to promote her book! I had to endure watching Chris Brown, but it was worth it because she was so awesome! Check her out here.
Her book comes out tomorrow and she's going to be at the Books-A-Million in McLean tomorrow! How freaking awesome is that? Stayed tuned for some pics!
Glennon is amazing. I'm thinking about getting a plaque on Etsy that says "We Can Do Hard Things" It applies to so much. Jealous of the book signing!