Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I Can't Stop Smiling

I know I've been MIA for a while, but for good reason. There comes a time in my house when the homeostasis has been so thrown off I must attend to matters at hand. Very serious business. Think BioDome. 
Homeostasis = Biodome, get it? Sigh.
Yes, there comes a time when I must attend to the laundry. And clear out the fridge. And bathe the children once a month. If not, Ryan begins to talk nonsense about firing me. Whatever that means. 

Anyways, I am taking time out from the very important task of sorting socks to tell you that I can't stop smiling. Let me rewind. Once upon a time, I said that all I wanted for my birthday was a full night of sleep. (For the record, it's been over a year and a half since I've had a night of sleep thanks to pregnancy and Palmer). Palmer is STILL waking up 4+ times a night, so I am borderline psychotic. My apologies to everyone who knows me. 

A few weeks ago I officially turned 30 something. When asked what I wanted for my birthday, I jokingly said a full night of sleep. Well, Ryan and my parents got together and decided to be awesome. I mean, CRAZY awesome. They booked me a night at the Ritz and a spa package. Ummm... not kidding. I just got off the phone booking my massage, facial, and manicure. AHHHH!!! Here are a few pics of what I'm going to experience this weekend:

Hey, Chair. Watch out.
You're about to get served.
I'm going to read on you so hard you won't know what hit you.
If it were my house, I'd think that were poop right there.
But since it's the Ritz, I know I'm going to have stones on me. Not poop.
And you know I'm drinking champagne during my bath.
Damn straight, I'm jumping on the bed in a Ritz-Carlton robe.

Because I am a planner, I have already mapped out some to-dos before I go. One important task is to go to Total Wine and find an awesome bottle of champagne. I will also pack some comfy socks, pajama pants, three half-read books I've been meaning to get finish, and Working Girl because it's my favorite movie.

I've even created a to-do list for when I get there:

It's a tough list. Not sure I'll be able to get it all done.
It's a good thing I booked a facial because these smile lines are deep. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what I love more---your to do list or your poop comment. Enjoy!!!
