Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Target Touche!

Diet Cokes: 2
Cookies: 0, but, I've replaced my cookie problem with chocolate. 3 pieces today.
Money Spent: $80

Today, Ryan and I divided and conquered so that I was finally able to cross some things off my to-do list. Ryan returned a garbage can that's been sitting in our kitchen for a month and some hideous baby clothes while I returned a few repeat toys Henry got for Christmas. I have to say, I think I had the most success.

Henry scored some awesome clothes. The pjs were $4, the onesie $2, the shirt $1, the socks $5. Score, huh?

I've been watching a lot of shows about hoarding and OCD, and I've learned that you have to be careful about needs versus wants and having room for things. When Henry got a few repeat presents, I knew I needed to get them out of the house quickly in order to get the maximum amount of money to use toward things he does need. I got all this stuff--brand new-- for about $13. That's pretty awesome. I also got him new white onesies by trading in ones that were too small for him.

Nothing special, but I didn't pay a cent for them. Notice they are for 24 months. However, according to Gerber, that's  28 pounds, so Henry will fit them in approximately 1 month, I'm sure.

And moi? I've recovered from my Tiffany's meltdown and bought those Target flats I'd been contemplating buying. They are a wee bit snug in the toe, but I think they'll stretch a bit.

There are a few things left to return, exchange, and/or fix, but I figure I'll save those for a day in the near future when I'll be dying for an excuse to get out of the house. For now, I'm going to focus on taking care of all this cool stuff I got for me and Henry.

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