Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Locking it Up

Weight: 10 lbs. to pre-pregnancy weight (PPW)
Money spent today: Almost $200... pre-party preparations
Cookies: 3?
Exercise: None, are you joking?

Ok, so it's 11 o'clock at night and, really, I should be sleeping. Let's be honest, sleep is a precious commodity to me and tomorrow I have gifts to wrap, tarts to bake, an outfit to put together {and squeeze into}, so I should be sleeping.

But I can't. Nope. I have done what I do all too often. I have spent too much time farting around on the internet and have now been inspired to do something that I may or may not really follow through with. This time it's to keep up with my "blog". If you can call it that. I have no followers. I don't *really* know what I'm doing. Or why? Why keep a blog? Do I want people to read what I'm really thinking? Do I want to show people this much of my life?

Well. Yes. Because I am convinced there are more people like me who are broke and/or raising a child and/or trying to lose weight and/or have had a dream to do something interesting, dammit. So I don't know what this is going to look like. Or turn into, if anything. I can't promise that I will actually write anything. But for now, this is helping me cross something off that checklist in my mind so that I may, eventually, go to sleep.

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