Friday, June 1, 2012

Henry's List of May Favorites

It's been a while since I did a Henry's Top Ten, so I've got a lot of new favorites to add. Here goes:

1. The Pool- I'm raising the next Michael Phelps. The child can't get enough. Ryan has already decided we are paying $200 for a private swim instructor. Just to remind you, Henry is 23 months old. $200 wisely spent...false.

2. Baby Pool- Playing in the baby pool is Henry's favorite thing to do if he can't go to the real pool. Thanks to the lame ass pool hours, we can't go to the pool until 4 o'clock Monday through Friday until school lets out in two weeks. Booo...
Skinny dipping. And drinking pool water that he probably peed in.

3. Pool Water- I think this warrants its own listing in the top ten chart. I'm not sure what he loves more, swimming in the pool or drinking the water.

4. Vehicles- I was going to type trucks, then I decided that was too limiting. Henry doesn't just love trucks; he loves trucks, cars, tractors, vans, helicopters, boats, planes, trains... you get the idea. I think it goes without saying that his big boy room will be a planes, trains, and automobiles decor.

This is how he likes to play with his cars and trucks and Nana and Opa's house. Thanks Opa for keeping it real and playing Pop music.

5. Sugar- Ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem. It seems the child refuses to eat anything that does not contain at least 20 grams of sugar, which is a problem since according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a 4 to 8 year old kid should not consume more than 15 to 18 grams of sugar per day. Again, Henry is 23 months. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since while I was pregnant with him I craved cake, cookies, and brownies. Stay tuned to a future post on me putting my foot down. 
That is Nana feeding his "chocy" craving. Thanks, Nana.

6. Sleeping like a Boss- I mean, I WISH I could sleep like this. I'm seriously thinking about investing in a California King at this point in my life. Look at how content he is? This is what playing at the pool does to my child. Thank you, Jesus. 
7. The Metro- despite the risk of being contaminated with Hepatitis C, I love public transportation as does Henry. It was a total hit. I'm already plotting our next Family Field Trip to, at the very least, watch my husband break out in fits of OC Purelling. 

8. Slides- My favorite part of the playground was the swing. The swing is not good enough for Henry, though. No, swings are too safe, too confining. He prefers to slide with reckless abandon. He prefers not to have me catch him at the bottom and loves landing on his butt. I'm concerned he's going to be one of those X-Game imbeciles when he grows up and take up some extreme sport. Or worse, UFC fighting. Oh, God. Pass the Xanex.

 9. Jake and the Neverland Pirates- This show is only mildly irritating compared to the-show-that-must-not-be-mentioned. The only reason I don't want to set my hair on fire watching it is because it reminds me of Peter Pan and Peter Pan reminds me of Tinkerbell and Tinkerbell is awesome.  Plus, now that I'm being productive while Henry watches TV and eats, so I don't have to hide the matches anymore (I know. Henry watches TV while he eats. Henry is due for a bootcamp soon. Stay tuned).

10. Saying No- I thought I would be lucky to dodge this bullet, but it's here. Saying NO is one of Henry's favorite things even when he means yes. I gave him a Flavor Ice popsicle and he kept saying no, but once I shoved it in his mouth he said, "WOOOOW! MMMMmmm!" Yes, child. Except that's real fruit juice and not corn syrup, so I kind of got you. Unfortunately, the shoving food into his mouth method has not worked for me with vegetables. Damn.

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